Letter sent by Nayomie 1
Many woman will probably recognize my experience. After two pregnancies, breastfeeding and losing weight afterwards, my breasts feel empty and no longer firm like before. Before my pregnancies I had a firm cup C/D. During pregnancy it became a full DD cup, but afterwards it became a small D cup without any firmness. I started sporting again to make my body look firmer, however, this doesn't have any effect on my breasts...I would love to become as sexy and appealing for my husband again. Although he doesn't have any issues with my breasts, I just want to feel better again when I look into the mirror.
My husband and I both love sexy lingerie. My closets are piling out with the most beautiful pieces and sexy dresses. Before my pregnancies I felt great wearing them and showing them to him. Sometimes we even attended erotic party's and I just loved showing my beautiful breasts in a sexy bra. I currently don't feel as sexy as I used to feel in such dresses, so unfortunately everything stays locked in the closed.
I tried to make te best of it with push-up bra's, but this is not the solution for me. Especially when things get really hot and the bra is removed, there's not much left to look at that really kills the vibe. This is one of the main reasons for me wanting to take care of my breasts. I consulted a cosmetic doctor with a serious intention of breast enlargment operation, but since there are so many healthrisks with silicones, it made me doubt about this option and cancelled further appointments. I want to stay healthy and natural, so I'm no longer looking for a breast operation. The only option left for me to have bigger/firmer breasts is within the natural breast enlargment section.
There are a lot of suppliers for these kind of "miricle" pills and it took me quite a while to make a decision. I doubted if the Natural Push Up would work, but in the end I decided to try them. Honestly; ultimately, my friend ordered them for me, because I kept on having doubts. Since I was still hoping on good results, I tried the Advanced formula, this one has more force according to the website. After three months I was surpriced that it did have a little effect on my breasts. I notice that my cleavage enlarged a bit whilst wearing a bra. It's a little result, but I'm happy with it. I even lost some weight, but just a little bit, so that means that there really is something happening with my breasts.
This tiny effect gives me enough hope to keep using the product a little while longer. I don't think that I will ever have the breasts that I used to have. My body changed after becoming a mom. I breastfed two beautiful boys and I'm proud of that. I don't need bigger cupsizes, but I would love to have firmer breasts again, so I can wear my sexy lingerie and feel confidend wearing them. Maybe I would even go to an erotic party again...
*Translated by Interactivated bv